
The area of the base of the cube, B, is ____ square units. The volume of the cube is ___ cubic units. The height of each pyramid, h, is _____. Therefore, b = 2h. There are _____ square pyramids with the same base and height that exactly fill the given cube. Therefore, the volume of one pyramid is ___ or 1/3 Bh.

Accepted Solution

Answer:1-(b)(b)2- (b)(b)(b)3- b/24- 65- (1/6)(b)(b)(2h)Step-by-step explanation:The first is length * width which is b*b.The second is b*b*b because that is how you find area.The third is b/2 because each pyramid height is b/2 of h.The fourth is 6 because that is how many pyramids can be made.The fifth is 1/6*b*b*2h because there are six pyramids, two b's, and the hight is 2h.